Francis Hunter
Contract Period: 35 weeks
This extensive site was made up of four buildings; Surrey House, Hippodrome Night Club, NCP Multi Story Car Park & Bo Concept. All were demolished and cleared to make way for a brand new development.

This project took place in a busy town centre. We liaised with local authorities, services & archaeology before demolition began on the large concrete framed structures. We also involved TFL due to two of the buildings impacting one of the busiest bus routes in the UK.

A detailed demolition Method Statement was produced to ensure safety of the public, site team and to cover all risks involved with taking down these large structures. Structural reports were carried out so we fully understood how they were constructed, the best way to take them down and how to manage the demolition without impacting the structure that remained. This demolition was carried out with Monaflex scaffolding for additional protection.
All buildings demolished as planned without any real disturbance or inconvenience to the local residents, businesses or busses.