What happens to my waste

It is very important that Plasterboard is collected in its own segregated skip, this is due to the materials can cause problems if not treated correctly. Therefore we do not handle this through our plant and it is kept segregated from the moment it arrives on site. As a material it is 100% recyclable, the material currently goes to a third party within the UK which processes the material to separate the ingredients. The remaining products are then sent off for further use. This can be either in the Agricultural industry or for Industrial use, such as going back into plasterboard production.
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment which has reached the end of its life is bought into the site and stored before it is taken to an external specialist site which can handle the waste correctly. Please note that there is an additional charge for any electrical items placed in your skip, please note these when booking.
We are licensed to transport Asbestos—this must be declared when the skip is booked in with us so we ensure trained operatives are sent to handle the waste. Once this is returned to the yard it is kept in a quarantined area before it is taken to an external facility which can deal with hazardous waste.
Any waste which cannot be split down into these different categories is taken from the site to Energy from Waste (EfW) plants to create energy for local towns.
Recycled wood is sorted into grades, it is then chipped on site and then used as a biomass fuel for local power stations.
This is recovered and sorted at our MRF and then taken to a metal recycler who processes the material for re-use.
This is recovered at our Material Recovery Facilities (MRF) and then graded and baled. This is then taken to a domestic mill or exported to Europe or the Far East for reprocessing into further card and paper products.
This is segregated at our site and then taken onto a third party where it is sorted, crushed and recycled into further glass products.
This is recovered at our MRF and then taken to our Composting facility in Winkfield where it undergoes the PAS 100 certified process to be made into Compost. This final product can be found here and is available to be purchased.
This material is screened on-site at our MRF to separate our the various materials, then the soil can then be sold on as a recycled product. To find our more information look here.
This material is screened on-site at our MRF to separate our the various materials. The concrete and brick can be crushed to specification sizes and sold from the yard. To find our more information look here.
Collected on our Trade Rounds from segregated food waste bins, the food is taken to a local Anaerobic Digestion plant. Where the food is broken down by micro-organisms in the absence of light and oxygen. The process is very similar to the way in which a cows stomach works. Methane is a by-product of this which is taken and used to power local homes. The other by produce is a very nutrient rich fertiliser. Through our sister company Shorts Agricultural Services we take this fertiliser “digestate” and spread it on the fields of local farmers. For more information please see here.
This is sorted and graded at the MRF, then depending on the type of plastic it is either sent our from the yard to be reprocessed in the UK, or other grades of plastic and baled and taken to processors based in the UK or exported to Europe or the Far East.