We will operate your demolition process from start to finish and can handle projects both big and small in a clean and safe environment. Whether you need the demolition of a house, corporate office blocks or industrial buildings, we are the company for you.
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At Shorts, we take health and safety very seriously. We are fully insured and accredited with a number of industry related schemes to our name. Our demolition team are trained to the highest of standards and receive continuous training to ensure they are performing to your expectations and in a safe, clean environment.
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Frequently Asked Questions
This is a demolition notice and it is to notify the local authority of the pending demolition of a property. It can take up to six weeks to get one, so the earlier it goes in, the better.
This is a refurbishment and demolition survey and should be carried out on all buildings built before 1999 to check if asbestos is present, if it is it will need to be removed prior to demolition.
The gas will need to be disconnected at the site boundary with the electric being altered into a TBS (Temporary Build Supply) for the new build.
You may need to have surveys carried out on your boundary and party walls, especially in built up areas where properties are reliant on each other for support. This should be carried out by a building surveyor and agreements in place prior to demolition and construction.