International Compost Awareness Week 2023

07 May, 2023

Compost Awareness Week is a week-long celebration of all things composting, aimed at raising awareness about the benefits of composting and encouraging more people to get involved. If you’re wondering how you can get involved and do your bit for the planet during this important week, here are five simple tasks you can undertake:

Start composting: If you’re not already composting at home, now is the perfect time to start. There are plenty of resources available online to help you get started, and you can find tips on everything from choosing the right compost bin to what to put in your compost.

Educate others: Spread the word about composting by sharing your knowledge with others. Talk to your friends, family, and neighbours about the benefits of composting and encourage them to get involved.

Volunteer: Many local community gardens and allotments rely on volunteers to help with their composting efforts. Look for opportunities to get involved in your local area and lend a hand.

Attend an event: Compost Awareness Week is marked by a variety of events across the UK, from workshops and talks to composting demos and garden tours. Check out what’s happening in your local area and get involved.

Buy compost: If you’re not able to compost at home, consider buying compost from a local supplier. Not only will you be supporting a local business, but you’ll also be helping to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfill.

To find out more about International Compost Awareness Week, please visit:

https://​com​post​foun​da​tion​.org/​I​C​A​W​/​I​C​A​W​-Home OR

The Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology (REA)

If you would like to order premium compost from us, you can now place an order online:

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International Compost Awareness Week