Destigmatising Mental Health
Mental Health comes in differing forms, its complicate and always changing – it effects how we think, feel and act. So, whether it be due to personal problems, workplace issues or a diagnosed condition, I think we all need to be mindful of mental health and the struggles that come with it – highlighted even more so when a global pandemic hits!
1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem during their life, and no two people experience the same symptoms or effects when they are unwell. Many will hide their mental health due to the fear that people will make assumptions or unfair judgements. The good news is that, with the right support, the majority of those experiencing mental health issues can learn to live with them or recover from them.
I’ve recently completed a mental health training course with High Speed Training. The course has been designed as an introduction to mental health and how it can present itself in the workplace. It highlights common visible symptoms. It gives you confidence to open a talk with that person should they need you. To listen without judgement and see how you can help them in the workplace. This course benefited me not only at Shorts, but also at home with my children!
Let’s talk openly about Mental Health!
For further information regarding Mental Health please go to
Charlotte – Demolition Administrator